May-Jun Newsletter: Thank YOU For Making A Difference!

Dear Partners and Friends,

Over the past 15 years, RestoringVision has been able to bring clear vision to more than 10 million people in impoverished communities across the world. As you know, this requires an all-hands-on-deck approach. We wouldn’t have been able to achieve this without you, our partners, who take glasses to the field and distribute them to people in need, and our sponsors and donors, who accelerate this work. To all of you, thank you!

We’ve also been working closely with optical organizations, advocacy groups, and thought-leaders to raise awareness and develop collaborations that open up access to vision care for the world’s most disenfranchised. We are thrilled that our common cause is now gaining much-needed attention and momentum and would like to share this with you. Below are some exciting updates, including recent media coverage and one of the most exciting initiatives in vision health.

At RestoringVision, we’re excited to be a part of this growing global movement with you in an effort to transform the lives of people with near vision impairment. Thanks again for all you do to support this mission!

Best wishes,
Mark Sachs, Founder, RestoringVision


A Simple Way to Improve a Billion Lives: Eyeglasses 

This year in May, The New York Times published an article about the global need for eyeglasses on the front page of the Sunday edition. The article described the incredible impact that vision correction can have on the lives of people in need. To read the article, click here.




Groundbreaking New Initiative – Vision for the Commonwealth

This April in London, The Queens’ Diamond Jubilee Trust launched the $1 billion Vision Catalyst Fund which aims to help governments prioritize vision and address avoidable blindness and poor eyesight. The fund will focus on expanding universal eye health services led by governments, providing a sustainable long-term solution for vision across many countries.




To read the full version of our newsletter, please click here.