Celebrating 20 Years: A Renewed Commitment to Our Vision

As we begin a new year filled with promise and optimism, RestoringVision is hitting the ground running in 2023 – celebrating our 20th anniversary – with a renewed commitment to our vision: a world where everyone who needs glasses has them.

Meet RestoringVision’s Development Associate: Kyle Oleksiuk

Kyle Oleksiuk joined RestoringVision in 2021. A writer with experience in crafting professional writing that is clear, organized, persuasive, and valuable to its audience, Kyle has a particular passion for advancing the fundraising efforts of nonprofit organizations through his writing. Prior to joining RestoringVision, Kyle worked as a grant writer for the nonprofits Breaking Ground […]

Collaboration to Provide Vision Care Advances SDG#17: Partnerships for the Goals

RestoringVision lives and breathes partnerships. This is in our DNA and our founding was built on the power of partnerships with people and organizations working together to restore vision for people living on less than $2 a day, who lack access to a 13th-century invention – a pair of eyeglasses – and the ability to afford them.

Clear Vision Advances United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #10: Reduced Inequalities

By Pelin Munis, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer, RestoringVision Clear vision is vital for leveling the playing field for people living on less than $2 a day. Our work to restore sight lies at the intersection of global health, education, and economic development and contributes to reducing inequalities worldwide. The United Nations states that “much of […]

Vision Health Interventions Advance United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth

By Pelin Munis, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer, RestoringVision Restoring someone’s sight is the single most cost-effective health intervention to reduce poverty, according to the World Health Organization. The UN Resolution Vision for Everyone states, “Recognizing that improved vision and optimized functional ability for people with blindness or vision impairment leads to improvement in employment prospects, […]

Teenager Aims to Change the World by Doing Good with Eyeglasses

At 13 years old, Sienna already has her sights set on changing the world. “Eyesight is one of the most important gifts we have and if you get involved in this work or donate, you can see how much you have changed someone’s life by helping them to see the world clearly again,” she said. This […]