
impactful vision programs

RestoringVision provides training and technical assistance to our NGO and government partners, providing them the support and resources they need to add vision programs to the work they do. Below are resources for conducting vision screenings and dispensing of reading glasses as well as a guide to assist you in safely dispensing glasses while social distancing. For additional training and support, contact us at

Watch our 8 minute training video on dispensing reading glasses in English and Spanish:

Dispensing Tips Manuals

We have created two manuals with the most useful tips that have helped our partners to successfully dispense reading glasses. We recommend that you print and bring these manuals with you to your dispensing events.

Power Testing Cards

These power testing cards will help you identify the correct power of reading glasses for each person you are assisting. Please note that if through this process you determine that none of the powers are able to make the typed print clear for the individual, then he or she may have other eye conditions that warrant a referral to an eye care professional.

Contact us to learn more.