Stephanie Godward joined RestoringVision in April 2022 as the organization’s Senior Manager of Communications and Marketing. Stephanie has more than a decade of experience as a communications leader for nonprofit organizations, including most recently The Salvation Army of Western Pennsylvania, where she has successfully managed public relations, statewide advertising campaigns, and more while writing for various platforms and audiences. Stephanie also has extensive experience in storytelling, social media management, blog writing, event planning, fundraising, and developing and implementing internal and external communications strategies.
What do you enjoy most about your work at RestoringVision thus far?
Stephanie: I love the passion and commitment that our team has in working together to empower millions of lives every year by restoring vision. Together, we are fiercely committed to providing clear vision for people living on less than $2 a day worldwide, and it is an honor to be a member of that team. It is incredibly rewarding to support RestoringVision’s mission and I love that we are laser-focused on the issue of creating equitable access to glasses and vision programs worldwide, which has infinite ripple effects in terms of its impacts on individuals and the global economy.
Why is this work important to you personally?
Stephanie: When I first discovered RestoringVision’s work, I immediately connected with its mission to empower lives by restoring vision for millions of people in need because I imagined what life would be like if I did not have access to eyeglasses. I have been wearing them since first grade when the chalkboard at school became too blurry for me to see clearly, and as a writer today, I would not be able to do my job without them. Working to increase access to vision services and eyeglasses changes lives, improves vision health, and increases earning potential. I know from personal experience just how important a pair of eyeglasses can be to live life fully and successfully.
Who inspires you most and why?
Stephanie: My mom is an inspiration to me because of her perseverance. She is a chief nursing officer for a national healthcare institution and network of hospitals across the United States. In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, she pursued more and more responsibility, stepping up to lead with integrity during a time of crisis for the world – and for the profession of nursing. Her refusal to back down while encountering so many challenges inspires me to always push forward.
What are you most looking forward to in your role at RestoringVision?
Stephanie: I am looking forward to sharing more and more stories of the people whose lives have been impacted by RestoringVision’s work. For those who are struggling to see clearly because of a lack of access to vision services and eyeglasses, the impact of a pair of glasses is life-changing. I look forward to interviewing beneficiaries and working with our partners to tell these personal stories to inspire more people to get involved in RestoringVision’s work worldwide.
What do you do in your free time when you’re not solving the global vision crisis?
In my free time, I enjoy taking my dog Chance for rides in the car, playing the drums, kayaking, scooter rides with my husband, going to concerts, baking pies, gardening, and drinking iced coffee.