By Pelin Munis, Ph.D., CEO, RestoringVision
Thus far, it has been another extraordinary year at RestoringVision as we remain committed and determined to solve the global vision crisis. Through ongoing global challenges, we have come together as a movement of people and changemakers creating increased access to clear vision for all – no matter their income or location in the world.
The numbers in this Mid-Year Impact Report are truly remarkable: our Global Access Program has reached over 2.6 million people worldwide in 2023 alone, achieving 77% of our year-end goal. Our Community Outreach Program has reached 340,681 people in need thus far, marking a 66% increase over the prior year and a 45% increase over our 2023 projections. We’ve started the pilot of our new Economic Empowerment Program with the goal of reaching 50,000 people in Uganda. We thank our generous corporate, foundation, and individual donors who continue investing in RestoringVision, enabling us to reach even more people living on less than $2 a day.
What does this mean to RestoringVision and the people we serve? It means potential. It means advancing at least 8 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. It means RestoringVision is laying the groundwork to scale our programs further to reach millions more people in need every year. It means paving the path toward solving the global vision crisis.
Within this movement, we see boundless opportunities for change and impact, so much so that we know that the global vision crisis is one global health problem that can be solved within our lifetime if we all collaborate with that shared goal in mind.
The momentum is building and the time is now. The global challenges RestoringVision faced during the first half of the year didn’t slow down our impact, it only ignites us even more to make a difference in the lives of people struggling with blurry vision. We are on track to achieve our goals this year as we look ahead and form our next 3-year strategic plan for 2024-2026.
Now, we invite you to lean into this movement as a supporter of RestoringVision. Share with your LinkedIn network that you are a vision champion. Refer other NGOs and governments to add vision health to their existing work. Donate to help more people in the world see clearly again – to keep working and earning a living to support their families, to continue educations, unlock human potential, sustained livelihoods, and so much more.
Together, we can exceed our 2023 goals and scale even further to increase our collective impact on people living in poverty worldwide. We won’t stop until everyone can see clearly.
Click here to read RestoringVision’s 2023 Mid-Year Impact Report.