Thank You for Making #ReadingGlassesDay a Success!

This year on June 7, RestoringVision and FGX International launched the very first Reading Glasses Day, a commemorative date dedicated to raising awareness about the lack of access to reading glasses in developing countries, and the impact that vision correction through reading glasses has on people’s lives. We’re thrilled to report that, thanks to the help of our Board, #ReadingGlassesDay was a major success!


In total, 15 different organizations got involved and helped us raise awareness, including industry leaders such as Essilor, and optical non-profits like Sightsavers. Additionally, three companies generously donated to our #ReadingGlassesDay campaign: Creator Cakes, Humps Optics, and Neckglasses. Their support and promotion helped us educate thousands of people on the global need for glasses, and inspire them to get involved.


Thanks to the generosity of our donors and the RestoringVision Board, we are ecstatic to announce that we surpassed our #ReadingGlassesDay fundraising goal! In total, we raised $20,770 to create access to glasses for 25,963 people in Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Tanzania. Empowered by the gift of sight, these individuals will not only be able to see better – they will be able to live better. With every donation we receive, we are creating lasting change for the people we serve.

THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR SUPPORTERS for seeing the opportunity with us this #ReadingGlassesDay! We look forward to transforming even more lives with you next year.